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Alison  - Dharma Coaching Client
Female Empowerment Business Coach, Kent

I have been receiving business coaching from Karen for around a year now and it has really transformed my life for the better. When I first met Karen I was chronically sick, unhappy and stuck in a job that was sucking the life out of me. With Karen’s guidance I broke away from my old life and I created a business that makes me shine. Karen helped me find my find my passions and niche and solidified the foundations for setting up an awesome business which makes me really happy. Karen always went the extra mile helping me with planning and ghost writing where I needed it. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her help.

Katy - Corrective Exercise Client

World Champion Mountain Bike Rider, Gloucestershire

Hayley - 121 Coaching Client

Social Worker, Gloucestershire


After a lightbulb moment and lots of tears during my first consultation I embarked on the most difficult and rewarding journey of my life. 10 months ago my work stress, emotional stress, relationships, perfectionism and an eating disorder left me in breakdown and burnout. I was exhausted, miserable, had constant chronic lower abdominal endometriosis type pain (some days I couldn't stand), headaches, 4 kidney infections, puffy, bloated and severe anxiety. I barely remember my own wedding day. I couldn't walk to the next room without feeling dizzy ,nauseous and out of breath.


With the amazing direction and advice from Karen and a lot of hard work I have embraced who I truly am. I have found saviour in yoga, walking, journaling, meditation and my coach Karen. I now have no pain, no infections, I have imperfect control over my eating disorder, my hormones are all working properly and dropped 20lbs.


Most importantly I have embraced me, I am living a life which is true to me without the need for striving for perfectionism. I've embraced my spirituality which has enable me to live with more joy and allowing myself to be vulnerable and kind to myself. There is no more self hatred or self loathing and no more debilitating anxiety... I am good enough, this is me and I love it.

Terry - Corrective Exercise Client

Self Employed, Plymouth


I have suffered with lower back problems for a while, stemming from an accident about 10 years ago on my mountain bike that had kept me away from cycling for 6 months plus.During this period I had many physiotherapy and chiropractor visits with varying degrees of success.

I spoke to Adrian and we discussed, in a simple and concise manner, the differences between tight and taught muscles, instability of the sacroiliac joint, postural adaptations, how the deep neck muscles are connected to the hamstrings and how all this could affect me. It was a very different to what I was used to, somebody taking the time to explain how areas of the body work.

Not only has Adrian’s advice been extremely useful it has also led me to become more active in learning about and listening to my body. In the past two weeks, I have taken part in a 24hr cycling event, undertaken many individual days riding including Afan and Bike Park Wales, all without the need of a sports massage. With a new found confidence in my back and hamstrings I have been able to spend more time on my bike, seeing noticeable improvements in my riding and general fitness.

Joe - 121 Coaching Client

Farmer, Gloucestershire


For the last 20 years I have suffered from depression going from councillor to councillor and trying different kinds of medication but nothing seemed to work. I then heard Adrian from Pure Body Balance on BBC Radio and I have to say I was extremely sceptical about food solving my depression.

Debbie - Dharma Coaching Client

The Creation Station - Cheltenham Gloucestershire


My job used to feel like a constant stressful battle in which I was constantly angry and complaining in a toxic work environment. I dreaded going to the office every day, but I just didn't have the energy or inclination to do anything about it. Change is difficult when you are exhausted and stressed! As I became healthier bit by bit, during my time with Karen, I started to gain confidence and make space in my head and body to see a way to change things. I felt stronger to look for new opportunities that fitted with my needs and loves. When I finally handed my notice in, I felt a huge weight lifting off my shoulders and people started commenting that I looked different, taller somehow. I am now self-employed in an area that I had yearned to go back to for years. Although there are constant challenges, I can embrace and learn from them, think more clearly and make better decisions with my health as a priority.

Michael - Therapy Client

Civil Servant, Gloucestershire


Adrian seems to have a deep and intuitive knowledge of how muscles pull on the body, allowing him to discover the root cause of pain. Not only did this allow him to effectively work on my shoulder, but he helped me understand my own injury so I could protect it from further injury.

Anna - 121 Coaching Client, Therapy Client

Cheltenham, Gloucestershire


In September last year after a lumbar puncture I was in constant pain in my lower back. It was so bad that small tasks such as sitting down and standing up were a struggle. After an X-ray and MRI the doctors had me on 26 painkillers a day and had signed me off work with the view that one year was needed for me to recover.


In May I went to see Adrian at Pure Body Balance and from the very first session I felt immediate improvement and after 2 more sessions I was 70% better. AMAZING! The support and advice I received from Adrian has been superb. His knowledge and friendliness are first class. His programmes are tailored to meet individual needs and everything is explained clearly.


The relief at being able to get back to normal is immense. I'm back at work and doing all my favourite things like walking the hills every day, cycling and attending the gym. My back pain is virtually non-existent and in any case now very manageable.I would highly recommend Adrian, so professional and friendly and to me a miracle worker!!

Franziska - 121 Coaching Client

Psycotherapist, Cornwall


I sought help because I wanted to lose weight and what I got out of my coaching sessions with Karen was so much more. It made me realise what holistic actually means and  it changed my life completely. Not only did my diet and shopping list change, but also my values definitely shifted and I find myself with more peace and joy in my life as well as a change of career, a passion for yoga and sustainability and a better relationship with myself. Karen is a very supportive and inspiring coach with a wicked sense of humour, which makes it really easy to connect with her. 

Rachel - 121 Coaching Client

Civil Servant, Gloucestershire


I came to Karen for digestive support, as I was struggling with constipation. We were also able to tackle the fatigue I was often feeling. I found her coaching to be extremely helpful and together, we were able to solve my health issues successfully. She has a warm personality and I was never worried about being judged in any way.


I really enjoyed coming up with actions/small goals to strive for at the end of each session. They gave me something to focus and work on until our next meeting. Her holistic approach to health included looking into areas of stress in my life, and then arming myself with things to counteract those stresssors. I'm so glad to have worked with her!

Sara - 121 Coaching Client

Self Employed Reiki Practitioner, Leicestershire.


In June 2013 I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and was in a huge amount of physical pain with my joints - in fact my whole body hurt and many of my limbs were swollen.  It was a huge shock to be diagnosed with arthritis as I was only 35 years old.


Karen identified the areas that we needed to work on to help me achieve my aspirations of a) being pain free, b) reduce/ stop the medication and c) to become pregnant with my 2nd child, (following a miscarriage). 


Karen has an incredible ability to put you at ease throughout each of the coaching sessions and shows great empathy to your situation.  I am truly thankful to Karen for everything she has taught me on my journey to improve my health. Karen has helped me turn my life around and I'm a better person for it.  I am now pain free and not on ANY medication at all which is amazing. I have also been incredibly fortunate and been blessed with the birth of my baby son, Harry. My family have also benefited from Karen's advice - we all now eat the same foods and enjoy taking time out together in nature.

Michelle - Therapy Client


Personal Stylist, Gloucestershire

I feel like I've been healed from a long term suffering of migraine headaches. For over 8 years I've felt unable to go anywhere without very strong painkillers in the fear that I could have the dreaded headache that’s debilitated me and stopped me from functioning properly.  I've tried Chiropractors, Massage and been to Specialists on Backs and Necks, I even saw a neurologist last year, thought I might have a more severe underlying problem, Plus an advised 27 injections of Botox booked for my head.


As my last resort I booked to see Adrian, within one session the INMT treatment in my neck especially, I could tell he had found something no other had found and then with additional advice on diet and lifestyle resulted in a clear fortnight without a migraine. My symptoms, I went on to learn, stemmed from my stomach in discomfort from inflammation, constipation, and bad breathing technique. All these things have improved, and I now know what I'm dealing with and feel able to control my health. Thank you so much Adrian!

Ceri  - 121 Coaching Client
Paramedic, Gloucestershire

Getting in touch with Pure Body Balance has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Having spent years having doctors ignore or pass off my ever increasing symptoms, Adrian and Karen actually listened to me. I really had hit rock bottom and it soon became apparent that I had been living with some symptoms for so long that I actually thought is was just the norm for me. I was taking hormonal medications to try and manage my endometriosis, I put my constant tiredness down to my shift-work and was also struggling to manage digestive symptoms and chronic pain, which was in turn affecting my ability to work.

I am happy to report that 8 months down the line I am in a completely different place in both health and happiness. I was able to cut down my work shifts from 12 hours to 8 hours and have since been fortunate enough to give up the night shits! I have overhauled my diet and eating habits resulting in an ever improving digestive system, reduction in pain and balance in hormones. I have even stopped taking my hormone medication. I now feel I have a brighter future ahead even if there's still work to do and I know Karen and Adrian are always ready to help

Vanessa - Corrective Exercise Client

Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire


I have worked with Adrian for the last three years, working on recovering from a broken foot, to my recent training for the largest amateur ski race in the world, ‘The Inferno’ which takes place in Switzerland every January. The sessions with Adrian are always.

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